Timer and Stopwatch
From now on, you can use the Micro:Bit as a Timer or Stopwatch.
Press A to start the time, B to pause the stopwatch, and A and B simultaneously to set your time to 0.
You will learn:
• How to use variables that are ‘true’ or ‘false’.
• How to use loops.
Log in before starting the exercise.
Take a look at the example and consider the following questions:
- What should I do?
- What are the goals?
- What are the expectations?
- What can I already do?
- What do I still have to discover?
View the steps at 'perform'. Then answer the following questions:
- Which steps should I follow?
- Which steps can I follow?
- How much time do I need?
- What tools do I need?
Do the steps one by one. Do you not remember how to do it? View the hints or download the solution.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 1
Step 2
Look back at the project you just made. Ask yourself the following questions:
Does the program work as I expected? Why / why not?
What works well?
What works less well?
How can I approach it differently?